Kai is an English born, New Zealand raised artist working and living in Melbourne. He works on web based animation, music videos, 3D stills, and plenty more. Kai is self taught in all respects of what he does. He is the product of online tutorials, trial and error and the creative people around him.
His work can be seen across the Australian Open throughout all 3 arena’s at the event and has recently produced video’s for Radio New Zealand, Cup Of Kings App, IceBreak and Szymon’s “Blue Coloured Mountain”.
This series of images was my first foray into using CGI to create outdoor natural scenery. Exploring landscapes and material development for natural objects such as leaves, grass and flowers. I also wanted to explore the interplay and narrative suggestion between seemingly abandoned man made objects and the lonesome natural environments they were left in.
I was interested primarily in spaces that felt like they sat somewhere at the outskirts of suburbia. Unknown spaces containing just the remnants of human activity, occasionally nudging closer to surreal or fictional worlds.